Friday, November 11, 2016

#DearZindagi, Wada Karo Ek Sunahara Kal Ki

#DearZindagi, Wada Karo Ek Sunahara Kal Ki

Dear Zindagi,

I know you are different from a teacher because, a teacher teaches a lesson and takes the exam but YOU take exam first and then teach a lesson. In fact you are just an Institution in Yourself and I am Student of Life. You are the Syllabus, You are the teacher, you are question and you are the answer. You are the lessons and you are the certifications. You give equal opportunity to everybody, no matter from where one has to start or one hast to end.

 Dear Zindagi,

With you I have learnt that Life takes a number of turns throughout its entire span. It may not be kind to anyone all the times. So too with me…! And that’s where I leant many things. There are tough times which really tested my courage, my abilities & capabilities of facing unfavorable situations. At times, I was done. But with your soft approach from within I learnt to be a strong nerved person.

Dear Zindagi
I admire your presence

In my breathes and beats

And those twists & turns too

I cherished your Charisma & Loved You

You have been a puzzle

Since my Childhood

Amazed me at times

Stunned, surprised and befuddled

I always loved, the lessons you taught

Being a constant companion & Friend

I treasured your escort, in the trail of my destiny

Like a shadow, in my ecstasy, delights & pains

Dear Zindagi
Walking with you so far

The journey has been miraculous & amazing

As I stumbled upon incredible things…at times

With Love, emotions and my spectacular being 

Dear Zindagi

With You I learnt

The Wisdom You Taught

With Each happenings

The numerous trials of my living

Life is a soft mantle of tender sunshine

Where shed and tints intertwine

Life is a handkerchief to wipe the tears & rue

A box to lock up all your fears, too 

Life is a car racing with full speed
Full of desire, want and need

Life is a key to open all locks

Remove all obstacles and stumbling blocks

Life is a faith swelling like an ocean

Compelling at times, you ahead towards optimism

Life is a stage where we all perform

An act of change… to fault and reform

Life is a market of Give and Take

A paradise on earth we can make

Life is a blank paper for you to fill

With hard work and strive to go up the hill

Life is a question mark that quizzes our mind

Life itself is the answer…. we live and find

Life is…“God! Present in his creation!”

Life is the “Purpose for this realization!”

Life is full of observation and retrospection!

Yesterday is gone!

Tomorrow is in imagination!

Today is the Celebration!!!

Dear Zindagi,

Having you always by my side

I learnt, It’s Me and My Life

Just Assure Me…Dear Zindagi

A better tomorrow…Sunehara Kal Ki

Is awaiting my way

In the terrain of my future

In the barter of all yesterdays

I spent with you grins and twinges

I have given you them

In the course of path of living...So far forever!!

Dear Zindagi
If Life Is A Game...
Teach Me Then..
To Be a Game Changer
In My Every Step...Towards Life

“I am writing a letter to life for the #DearZindagi activity at BlogAdda“.

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