Saturday, March 31, 2018

My Theme For #AToZChallenge: MISHMASH- A Little of Everything

My Theme For #AToZChallenge: MISHMASH- A Little of Everything!


Hi All…

Well…since the day I had stepped into this world of blogging, not a day passed by when I haven’t found something new in it. Now I found #AToZChallenge very interesting and alluring. So I couldn’t resist the temptation and have decided to plunge in it, even if I know that my April Schedules are quite tight as they were in the previous few months. I was advised by Suchita @ @talesOfsuchita  to have a THEME for it though its not necessary. Well, I must say here she is the girl who made me understand what this #AtoZChallenge is all about….. A BIGGG TIGHT HUG to her.
Well, it wasn’t possible for me to find an ORDERED THEME in such a short time. So I have decided to keep it RANDOM….as I have an interests and observation on different things in Life. So My THEME is
MISHMASH: A little Of Everything!!

Nevertheless I love Randomness as it provides a scope to toss the mind and find the essence in varied existence, animated or inanimate things and of everything!! Randomness often appears the MOST BEAUTIFUL thing to me. I have for all time been maneuvered by the idea of how truly arbitrary our lives actually are. Apparently trivial events can elicit effects, rippling through our lives, effects becoming causes, leading to profound and intense changes and transformation.
Wikipedia says
“Randomness is the lack of pattern or predictability in events.  A random sequence of events, symbols or steps has no order and does not follow an intelligible pattern or combination.Individual random events are by definition unpredictable, but in many cases the frequency of different outcomes over a large number of events (or "trials") is predictable.” 
Statisticians view it differently. There is a magnificence or magic to randomness that disengage our understanding and perception of the world. Without randomness, we would know a lot less than we do now.Seriously!! The principle of randomness is at the heart of statistics, and therefore vital to our understanding of the society and economy in which we live. It underpins much of our knowledge. Randomness hence has a beauty to it.

We now live in such a dense world of random chance, in a molecular and chaotic gas whose ‘improbabilities’ are amazing only to the individual human atoms. I read it somewhere. #RandomReading 
Well…there could be a thesis on RANDOMNESS. Let’s stop it here. I urge you all…have a small glance to my posts on this #AtoZChallenge activity by @blogchatter It will be a treat and motivating for me…Yah!!
Have A Great Day Ahead!!!!

Image Sources @Google!!! 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Life is a Drama And We are Here To Play

Today is World Theatre Day 
And We are all actors of a DIVINE PLAY
Life is a Drama and We are here to Perform
Finding its Purpose and Act as per its Norm 
Let's Put on Those Make-ups and Masks
And Resolute To Perform Our Best

Don’t Judge Me Wrong

Once I encountered a person on social media, astute and prudent in literature world, quite aged and gentle too. Because of his age and stature, I couldn’t guess that he might perceive me “in a different way”. It’s not a new phenomenon in virtual world that people, especially men across all age group, develop certain non-platonic feelings, though for a very short time, towards the girls/women.  But for me he was a Surprise since I knew him as a writer since a long time but never had any communication.
That particular day, suddenly he asked me to be a part of his upcoming journal and that’s how we got connected. And then a bag of insanity spilled before me. He wrote so many poems on me and my attitudes...blah blah, blah
Honestly at first it was interesting. But soon I realised what was happening....
I became serious and decided to put a full stop...but I didn’t want to blame him either as I felt, probably I went wrong somewhere....I don’t know if it was correct or not, but I handled it that way that time. Here is the poem I wrote in that particular time....

It started with a Journal...
I wonder where it went abnormal...
It suddenly became so poetic
Giving me little time to think right
I enjoyed the flow, every bit
As I felt the verses came out from a loving heart
Was it because of my weakness to lyrical words?
That made me not realise, I was wrongly judged?
My stupidity is unpardonable
As I allowed things to invade to my personal level
My intentions were never wrong
And I feel, the person on other side too couldn’t be blamed
Probably it’s my mistake that left me felt hurt
Being judged inappropriately by a gentleman, prudent and astute?
Dear Sir, honestly I loved your poetic words
All I wanted to grow in loving care of your world
To be a poet and writer which I aspire
To have my deserving space in the Universe of my share
I was upset but I feel you too was hurt
I take all responsibility, of this incident, ended up  abrupt
I believe, you are not one among those who haunt for girls
To converse inappropriately filthy and dirt
May be your emotions were quite honest and fair
But maybe I am not a girl to be blessed with such care